Nestor Queupil
Ríos to Rivers Chile Board Member
Nestor Quepil (Müleywün Queupil Naupa), is Mapuche-Pehuenche from the Kawello Ko community, from the Queuco valley in the Biobío basin of Chile. He is a professor of his native language Chedungun, activist for free rivers, member of the Network for the defense of the Queuco River and of “Ríos to Rivers Chile” He has been a key leader in our “Inter-basin” exchanges in the Ñuble and Biobío Rivers in Chile, the Santa Cruz River in Argentina, and the Klamath and Elwha Rivers in the US. His relationship with Ríos to Rivers mainly has to do with sharing the ancestral knowledge of the Mapuche people to each of the participants, the importance of each element in the ñuke mapu, and the harmonious relationship that we should have with nature.